This event was hosted by Hadizatou Amou Ali and Hima Kadri, both Quality Holistic Learning senior fellows and members of the Migration Summit Organizing Committee. The speakers facilitated a workshop under the theme: “The Importance of Assets-Based Pedagogies in Displacement Contexts.” 30 attendees from private and public schools participated in the workshop that took place in Niamey, Niger.
Session Highlights:
- The session opened with a keynote from one of the hosts. Hadiza shared with the participants an insight on the migration summit and on its vision.
- Hadiza highlighted the Niger Education and Security context then made the participants engaged in interactive activities on their current teaching practices before being introduced to the new teaching pedagogies (SEL, PSS and ABP). Hadiza introduced and defined the three pedagogies, with a focus on Assets Based Pedagogy and its importance in displacement contexts such as Niger.
- The facilitators shared their experience as Quality Holistic Learning senior fellows using the Holistic approach in teaching and the positive impact it has on their learners. Hadiza asked the participants to share their experience or knowledge on Holistic Learning. Only a few seemed to use some holistic approach without knowing they were using it.
- Participants were engaged in activities such as decision-making (based on some scenarios), lesson planning using a holistic approach, and presentations with details on the different teaching and learning activities. The participants prepared and presented the lessons per subject in group. Each presentation was subjected to constructive feedback from the other groups, and a symbolic prize was given to the group whose lesson preparation considered most the holistic approach in its different activities.
Conclusion: The facilitators ended the event with a talk on the importance of a quality holistic learning in displacement contexts and encouraged the participants to take control of their own professional development, especially in a country where teachers’ professional development is given less consideration by the local authorities.